Hi from NYC! After more than 14 hours traveling, waiting I'm at Marta's place in Brooklin. Marta is a friend of mine, this kind of friends you never see but that you are glad to see anytime along the years. We went to the same primary school.
She is hosting me tonight. Tomorrow I take a bus to Montreal where Michel and Marc are waiting for me to do a lot of things each one better than the one before (it seems a literal translation.... it is :P).
I've sepent more than an hour in the line to go out the JFK airport. They scan your fingerprints of both hands and make you some stupid and anoying questions to let you go in. But at the end I'm fine and in the USA.
Here is snowing all the streets are sticky, there is more wather than snow, I think you can die drowned in some corner... you can't see the how much deep is the floor you are stepping on.
Here it's 10pm, in Barcelona 4am... I'm so tired...
Tomorrow a 9 hours bus trip is wating for me. For sure with a nice views of the snowed country.
She is hosting me tonight. Tomorrow I take a bus to Montreal where Michel and Marc are waiting for me to do a lot of things each one better than the one before (it seems a literal translation.... it is :P).
I've sepent more than an hour in the line to go out the JFK airport. They scan your fingerprints of both hands and make you some stupid and anoying questions to let you go in. But at the end I'm fine and in the USA.
Here is snowing all the streets are sticky, there is more wather than snow, I think you can die drowned in some corner... you can't see the how much deep is the floor you are stepping on.
Here it's 10pm, in Barcelona 4am... I'm so tired...
Tomorrow a 9 hours bus trip is wating for me. For sure with a nice views of the snowed country.
Ja soc a Nova York i tot ha anat bé. Porto moltes hores e viatge. A les 7 del matí estava a l'aeroport de Barcelona i fins les 18h passades no he arribat a casa la Marta on dormiré avui.
He fet una cua de més d'una hora per poder passar el control sortint de l'aeroport de NY... sort d'una dona de Londres molt simpatica amb la que he estat xerrant, siní se m'hauria fet etern.
NY m'ha rebut amb 0ºC i nevant. Una imatge molt maca però poc practica per desplaçar-se. El bus ha trigat prop de 40 minuts en arribar, i caminar pels carrers era casi com caminar per un riu.
Un home molt simpatic s'ha ofert a deixar-me trucar pel seu mobil i he pogut localitzar a la Marta per que m'obris la porta. L'intèrfon no funciona...
bé, tot molt bé, encara no he pogut apreciar la magnitud de NY, però ho deixo per el dia 5. Demà cap a Montreal :)
He fet una cua de més d'una hora per poder passar el control sortint de l'aeroport de NY... sort d'una dona de Londres molt simpatica amb la que he estat xerrant, siní se m'hauria fet etern.
NY m'ha rebut amb 0ºC i nevant. Una imatge molt maca però poc practica per desplaçar-se. El bus ha trigat prop de 40 minuts en arribar, i caminar pels carrers era casi com caminar per un riu.
Un home molt simpatic s'ha ofert a deixar-me trucar pel seu mobil i he pogut localitzar a la Marta per que m'obris la porta. L'intèrfon no funciona...
bé, tot molt bé, encara no he pogut apreciar la magnitud de NY, però ho deixo per el dia 5. Demà cap a Montreal :)